Who thought it was a good idea to sequester children in a small house, set their constitutions alight with sweets, then have them rip into piles of presents like hyenas going after a water buffalo? Christmas is madness, a ready-made…
One of my greatest joys in life is working in the kitchen. I think it takes a man to say that, unafraid of the social mores of ignoring football on Sunday. I don’t give a rat’s ass what the San…
It’s a new year, another chance to learn from my mistakes and follow the travails of a parent, baker, husband, and home improvement buffoon. This holiday season was a study in sloth. I found new ways to eat horrifying amounts…
This holiday season, take some time to sit down with family and friends to celebrate the simple act of breaking bread together. Communal dining may be one of our species’ most basic activities, and what better way to celebrate the…
There’s nothing like family traditions to remind you it’s holiday time. When I was growing up our family would make Christmas bread each December, locating a floury notecard with the recipe my grandmother jotted down in slanting cursive. Every year…
It was a tired joke twenty years ago, now it’s a tradition. When the holiday season approaches, and that means any time after September, I begin the Christmas cancellation notices. The origins of the notices are clouded in ancient history…
I remember the buzzy excitement of a school concert. It’s nighttime yet you’re not at home, you’re back at school. The dark empty halls have the elicit feel of a store after hours. You leave your parents and prepare in…
Baby Harbat is now officially old enough to get really excited about Christmas, presents, parties, cookies, and staying up late. This all culminated last night after a full day of all the aforementioned things. She woke up at 1:30 WIDE…