At last my debut novel sees the light of day! This book started as a single question a few years ago: what side of WWII was Finland on? With a little research I discovered there’s not such a clear answer. …
At last my debut novel sees the light of day! This book started as a single question a few years ago: what side of WWII was Finland on? With a little research I discovered there’s not such a clear answer. …
Hey readers, you’ve made it to the new page! I know this is the second time I’ve switched ships. The first time was when Vox developed a slow leak that eventually split the hull sank so I jumped ship to…
Oh lawdy, how good it feels to have a writing project again. My poor neglected blog, three days without an update, but I have been cranking out words on this new project: 12,000 and counting. The theme for this new…
In one week I’ve had two ridiculous injuries. First came the pulled groin muscle which I got from trying to climb over a baby gate while holding a glass of wine in each hand. Then I managed to pull a…
Oh lawdy, queries. The bane of every writer and the joy of the agent. A query is a boiled-down description of your book you write to sell it to an agent or publisher. Think of the 100-200 word blurb on…
I tied up the ends up my latest novel yesterday. Each chapter was reordered, checked against the overall arc and outline, and sections rewritten and cut with ruthless vigor. Then came the Xtra-Fun™ process of pagination and chapter labeling. You…
The line sags in a pregnant curve as wet clothes are draped, the line to become shallow and taut as dry air whips the water from the fabric. Each piece I add, I find myself calmer, the rhythm of drape,…
Here we are at the start of a new year and the blog needed some freshening up. Floors swept, windows squeegeed, and cobwebs raked down with a rag on a stick. Besides some cosmetic changes (say hello to the Chunk…
With a New Year come resolutions, and I’ve noticed my blog has taken on a life that is much greater than handmade things. I’ve known this moment was coming for a while and the start of a fresh year seems…
If naps are becoming a thing of the past, Quiet Time is taking its place in our household. Though Child Harbat might think she doesn’t need it, she doesn’t realize that WE need it. Often about twenty minutes into quiet…