This, I learned from Toddler Harbat, is the sound a vampire makes: hiss! It’s to be accompanied by two hands with fingers hooked into rictus claws of pain and a fearsome grimace. Remember the warrior face from the cookie post? …
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This, I learned from Toddler Harbat, is the sound a vampire makes: hiss! It’s to be accompanied by two hands with fingers hooked into rictus claws of pain and a fearsome grimace. Remember the warrior face from the cookie post? …
What can I say about Comic-Con? It’s huge, busy, and there is a little of everything. Lots of people dress up in steampunk, manga, fantasy, sci-fi, and period costumes. Lots of people have unnaturally-colored hair, chains woven in their clothing,…
We recently found a Piglet (from classic Pooh) stuffed animal tucked in a box. We gave it to Baby Harbat who gave it a tight hug and yelled, “Pliget!” Now this is her companion of choice, from nap time to…