I remember the feel of raspy pine bark and gummy resin on my hands as I climbed deep into a pine tree as a child. Eastern white pine trees have a wonderful radial branch pattern making them just about the…
Some people, my wife among them, hate airports, airplanes, and all the recycled-air and bustle of people hassle of air travel. I’m from an rare breed that loves airports, the smell of unburned kerosene, the rush of jet engines, the…
The longer you parent the more you learn that simple things are best: carousels, crayons, mud, and trees. The camphor tree in our front yard has a swing hanging from one limb, a sublime scatter of shade, and an entire…
Growing up in the Eastern United States I was lucky to live a life in the forest. The chirring of fussy mockingbirds, the perky call of chickadees and the haunting call of mourning doves are implanted in my mind forever. …