Of all the places I visited in Scotland, the Outer Hebridean islands of Harris and Lewis may have been my favorite. Adrift in the North Atlantic, these two isles are wild and remote like nothing you’ve experienced. Mountains and boulders…
Everyone can break out the shorts and t-shirts: climate change has arrived. “Ha ha,” snort the East Coasters who are still entombed in gray snow. But it’s true, the “norm” of weather doesn’t exist any more. If change is the…
We were talking about Sonoma last week but let’s move south a few miles to that hilly peninsula between the white-capped Pacific and the chilly shark-infested waters of San Francisco Bay. Yes, the city with famous bridges and famous cable…
Ha ha, if you didn’t already feel the cloying desperation of self-promotion from the intro page or the writing page then perhaps another splash of the book cover will catch you: I put this in because I just heard, through the…