We are coming up on the biggest eating event of the year and if you have young kids, it’s possible your teeth are already pre-gritted. Pick eating: the bane of a foodie parent’s life. I don’t know why I get…
Seen here on his first birthday, Number Two is exploring mobility. The speed of these things is phenomenal. The day of his first birthday he switched from commando-style-live-fire-under-barbed-wire crawling to the more traditional on-all-fours. The next day he pulled himself…
Why is it so hard, as a parent, to let go of “the rules”? From the time we burst onto the scene as newborns, slimy and blinking, we’re told the right and wrong way to do things. Brush your teeth,…
Every year my wife comes up with an ambitious Thanksgiving menu. I’m all about handmade foods but when you’re trying to clean the house, chase Toddler Harbat, and decipher a ten-page recipe for gratinee of seared confit in a bed…
We had a lot of both this weekend. The great ciabatta bake day was a pretty simple affair. No-knead ciabatta is mostly about leaving dough in a bowl to bubble on its own—it’s the perfect lazy man’s bread. So bake…
Here’s a question for all my readers: what’s the one day that Americans will make the most homemade food and create the most dirty dishes of any day in the year? Wait for it…Thanksgiving! Good, the second questions is: what…
Trophy Congratulations to Hilari, the winner of our first bread contest! Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions. I have honorable mentions for the most delicious sounding recipes: Tim and Samanthropos. Tim’s chocolate pumpernickel chestnut with salt crust sounds like…
Thanksgiving is a time of food, business in the kitchen, and post-meal comas. Every year my wife and I overextend ourselves by attempting at least a half dozen untried and complicated recipes, so by the time the meal rolls around,…