There’s an hour of night when everything is asleep, even the trees and waves and soil. Even the mockingbirds, and they’re the frat boys of the avian world, getting territorial and screaming at all hours of day, then ratcheting it…
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There’s an hour of night when everything is asleep, even the trees and waves and soil. Even the mockingbirds, and they’re the frat boys of the avian world, getting territorial and screaming at all hours of day, then ratcheting it…
If you have kids you have to resign yourself to interrupted sleep. Last night, The Boy was teething and had thrown up earlier in the evening and was in a grumpy mood. Child Harbat was in a very good mood…
This is what infants do when…well, nobody’s really sure. Maybe it’s gas, maybe it’s flickers of electricity across their neurons that give them the willies, but something sets off a maelstrom of crying that cannot be soothed. Hearing this sound…
You’re never too old to get scared of things that go “boo” in the night. This weekend my wife and I had the entire house to ourselves. Child Harbat’s grandparents and aunt took her to Disneyland for her birthday and…
Jesus, what a fiasco. Since the dentist told us ten days ago that Child Harbat’s pacifier had to go we’ve been a world of withdrawal. Without her familiar soothing mechanism, CH has been on a ten-day bender, all manic with…
Nothing like a lack of sleep to set your whole day wrong. Yesterday the whole family got grumpified starting at six AM. TH thumped down the hall as usual, the drumbeat to which I awake every morning. (She gets it…
5:35 am [soft crying] “Mama…mama…” Since Mama is sleeping, I get up to check on Toddler Harbat. With concern I see that 5:35 is about 45 minutes from my wake-up time. Unless this is something quick to solve, I won’t…