This is how it goes getting Toddler Harbat dressed in the morning: “Do you want to wear this dress?” “I wanna party dress. The red one.” “How about this green corduroy one?” “No, that one.” “This one?” [holding up red…
This is how it goes getting Toddler Harbat dressed in the morning: “Do you want to wear this dress?” “I wanna party dress. The red one.” “How about this green corduroy one?” “No, that one.” “This one?” [holding up red…
Toddler Harbat is going through a phase right now where I am the favorite parent. I say it’s a phase because she went through a phase where she devoured sweet potatoes and broccoli and now will pick micron-sized specs of…
Sometimes it’s not about what you wear, it’s how you wear it. This morning I picked out a cute outfit for Toddler Harbat. She’s just starting to voice opinions about her clothes, opinions that will get stronger and less controllable…
When you’re an adult you plan things: I’ll go for a walk this morning. When you’re a child, you flit from activity to activity like a hummingbird. Flexibility for parenting is essential and as it happens, immensely rewarding. So, want…
Great. I spanked my daughter this morning. It was as hard as when I hit her butt for fun when she’s running around the house with no pants, which happens more often than you’d think. She didn’t even notice or…
What have I learned about parenting in the last two years? Some practical stuff like: It’s not easy to wipe your child’s bottom when they are running away from you. Just give up on keeping their face clean. Just give…
Once you become a parent, you measure yourself only by your shortcomings and mistakes. Odd, since I don’t do that in my professional life, but personally as a father I can only see the things that I do poorly. And…
I had a great weekend, thanks for asking. Despite the snafus on Friday, Saturday was my wife’s final birthday present, a full day to go out with friends, shop, and basically do what she wanted without a husband or child…
The search for a dishwasher continues. In contradiction to common sense, we went to several retail outlets this weekend. Since it is after Thanksgiving there was little merchandise on the shelves, lots scattered on the floor, and a tangy whiff…
Hoo boy, I know I’ll get in trouble for that title. I’m referring to the world of toddlers, where “No!” is the rote response to any question. Every day my wife comes home from work, Baby Harbat’s first word to…