Hey all you logical people who put the day before the month: it’s still 11/11/13! Now that’s out of the way, let’s talk about taking two small children to the park for a “hike”. Is it possible? Define “hike”. If…
Something resides deep in the coils and twists of DNA that compels one to mechanical motion. It’s not enough to run, to swing like our primate forebears, to feel the brush of leaves on our limbs. This tickle of…
Earlier than Paris, earlier than Milan, earlier than New York, is the San Diego Fall Fashion Reveal on October 8. This year we’re happy to present the new theme: Exotic Riviera. Let’s set the scene: the engine of a glossy…
Just you wait to see how they go together. Patience. Let’s start with The Boy, aka Number Two, riding his bicycle around with a rubber Yoda hanging out of his mouth. Why does he do this? Perhaps he’s teething except…
Boys. They just can’t do the safe thing, they’ve got to toe the line, peer over the edge, then ride their bikes along it. I’m trying to water the plants last night and Number Two decides he’s coming out. Fine…he…
Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod! It’s huge! Much bigger than I thought. Bigger than the one at preschool. I think it’s bigger than a table, even. Can I open this panel? I really really really want to open it. With that handle…