Our house is a zoo now. Saturday before last I caught a rat in our laundry room. The rat battle has been hard fought, as they foil my traps and scamper around in the attic, prancing and showing off. It…
Our house is a zoo now. Saturday before last I caught a rat in our laundry room. The rat battle has been hard fought, as they foil my traps and scamper around in the attic, prancing and showing off. It…
The best way to test for creativity is to give people props and free time. There are those people who need tasks, ordered jobs that utilize parts and have a start and endpoint. Then there are those who, when they…
In a few days my wife and I will bring another life into this world as we welcome the birth of our second child. I’ve had four years to learn how to become a father, an apprenticeship really, not nearly…
Two quick thoughts on parenting. One: be prepared for random items in unexpected places. Last night I found on the couch a mesh bag filled with two miniature pumpkins, a glittery smiley face sticker, and several small ficus berries. Knowing…
Recently it was 100 degrees here. In Southern California that means one of several things: A)those aren’t fireworks in the night sky, it’s a wildfire; B)an earthquake has cracked open the ground under your feet and you’re plummeting towards the…