I haven’t talked about my work here before because…well, I’m not sure why except it as nice to have that clean break. Life is not full of clean breaks, however, and things that are important in my work life are…
Blog Archives
I haven’t talked about my work here before because…well, I’m not sure why except it as nice to have that clean break. Life is not full of clean breaks, however, and things that are important in my work life are…
I’ve grown up in the water. Not like a paramecium or an eel but I have been swimming as long as I can remember. Sometimes it was in a public pool, crammed in among a hundred other kids all trying…
If you have kids and live in a city with a children’s museum, take them. If you aren’t familiar with this kind of place, its often a facility with interactive exhibits for children of all ages. Often it’s just as…
I’m such a rube. I keep thinking children enjoy toys, but they don’t really. They like simple things than can act as springboards for their imagination. I was the same way as a kid. In fact, I’m the same way…
Taking a picture of my daughter requires good lighting, continuous shutter mode, and patience. Let me run you through a series of pictures I took last night when I asked Child Harbat to stand still so I could capture the…
Growing up is an incremental thing like the formation of a stalagmite—you can’t see it happening but over time the change is extraordinary. But every once in a while the transition is sudden and the baby of yesterday is left…
The Hamilton Children’s Garden at the Quail Botanical Gardens is a magical place for young and old. In the spirit of those creepy 1980s ads for sugar cereal, the grown-up in me marveled at the design and engineering, the kid…
I know what it’s like to be a zombie. You see them staggering around the streets with their ragged clothing, ragged skin, ragged breaths. “I won’t become one, I’ll be careful.” Then there’s an itching at your ankle. “Nothing, nothing…
There is something magical about climbing a living thing. Sure, clambering up the back of the sofa is okay, but much better to climb up daddy, grappling onto handfuls of shirt and digging toes into any crevasse hoping for traction. …
Where am I, now three-plus years into parenting? I can change diapers, make baby food, clean bottles, clothe a struggling child, and a hundred other skills of extremely limited utility in the outside world. But the list of things I…