I had a dream last night, clear as life and fully remembered. I was creating a new modern art piece for a museum, and it was focused on the snippets of conversation that float through public spaces. Here’s how it…
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I had a dream last night, clear as life and fully remembered. I was creating a new modern art piece for a museum, and it was focused on the snippets of conversation that float through public spaces. Here’s how it…
What I love about Thursday Grab Bag is no rules! Nothing is too random or inconsequential! Let’s get started. [Tuesday night, dinnertime. Scene opens on the kitchen table where Number Two is sitting in high chair and emitting loud shrieks,…
Had a dream last night triggered by over-tiredness and hot covers. I was working in a crawlspace with my wife, a cramped space in the dirt lit by a single work lamp. Further under the building were old forgotten corners,…
Here’s the thing about having infants who wake up throughout the night: you’ll have incredible recall of your dreams. I’ve often written about my dreams here, which range from bizarre to horrific. Please step back in time with me to…
In my world there’s a flimsy gauze between sleep and morning time. It’s translucent enough to remember your dreams with clarity and access that part of your mind that doesn’t bother with logic but rather grabs random pieces of data…
Last night I dreamt I was walking down the halls of my high school – so far so good. This is a common one and usually involves some forgotten algebra class, an unreadable class schedule, difficulty finding home room, that…
I want a rideable mechanical elephant. Because I dreamt I had one last night, a realistic skin covering an aluminum frame, and a pair of hand levers to drive the legs forward. “Why hasn’t anyone thought of this before?*” I…
Ever have one of those dreams where you think, “Come on, this just can’t be!” And yet there it is in front of you. This week has been a busy one in my dream mind. Early in the week I…
I’m sick. Of course this happens right before holiday vacation. Last night I got a full night of sleep but I was quite busy with dreams. This time I was running through an abandoned Italianate mansion, recently abandoned by its…