It’s not the catastrophic failures that wear you down–those you mark as unique and unrepeatable. No, it’s the breaking of a bridge by the stamping of ten thousand small feet. At the end of the day when you’ve rejected your…
Number Two has been working on his complaining skills. You’d think this is instinctual but toddlers are able to move up to the major leagues when it comes to protest. At over 1 ½ now, Number Two is finally realizing…
Now that I’ve returned to work full-time, I get to see my one-month old son in a nice long block from 6-10pm. It is therefore unfortunate that this is the time of day he reserves for his colicky meltdown. The…
Last night Toddler Harbat had a tough time getting to sleep. I read her stories, then we snuggled until she was just about asleep. “Send Mama in.” This is a standard ploy, even if Mama has already spent half an…
Irish soda bread sliced The joys of Friday: having a busy and productive half-day at work, then going home and enjoying a half-weekend day. Somehow this adds to feel like a full work day AND a full weekend day. Me…
Took my daughter to the doctor yesterday. Baby Harbat loves our pediatrician, a big bear of a man with gentle hands and calming manner. She sat dutifully for her ear and nose checkups, and watched with fascination as he held…