I’ve grown up in the water. Not like a paramecium or an eel but I have been swimming as long as I can remember. Sometimes it was in a public pool, crammed in among a hundred other kids all trying…
Blog Archives
I’ve grown up in the water. Not like a paramecium or an eel but I have been swimming as long as I can remember. Sometimes it was in a public pool, crammed in among a hundred other kids all trying…
Question to Child Harbat: “What’s your favorite thing to do with Grandma? Answer: “Catch turtles and fix tables.” Not sure if she’s done either of those things with Grandma, but there you are, from the unedited mind of a child.…
I’ve had my experiences with zucchini, have battled with overgrown kale and eggplant, and tried to stop the inexorable spread of marjoram through the garden. Through all this I’ve discovered one crop that may be the perfect thing to grow…
Springtime means time spent outside bathing in the brilliant light of a promised season, expectation and growth victorious over the forces of cold and dark. What better way to celebrate the arrival of a new season than a party…
Hey look, it’s a picture of my head at 7:45 this morning! But let me start at the beginning of the story, not at the unpleasant conclusion. 3:08 AM: Number Two is hungry and crying. I stumble from bed, locate…
Let’s start with the invited pests. We’ve always encouraged Child Harbat to get her hands dirty in the garden and be unafraid of insects and creepy crawlies. The potato bug has to be one of the most child-friendly insects, and…
This is a breaking news update. I need quarters for parking meters and I find the money has been taken out of the cubby in my car. Then I find my mug of spare change has disappeared from my dresser. …
I’ve been looking at this thing every morning for weeks. My daughter made it at school and proudly brought it home and placed it on the dining room table. “Look at my snowman, Babbo!” Is that what it is? There’s…