I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised by this kind of thing any more. While the level of sophistication has changed the pure randomness and joy in the play has not. During naptime, Child Harbat decided that all her stuffies needed…
Blog Archives
I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised by this kind of thing any more. While the level of sophistication has changed the pure randomness and joy in the play has not. During naptime, Child Harbat decided that all her stuffies needed…
When I grew up we had dinner together. Children were called away from homework (television) or calls went out the front door to summon those in the fresh air. Hands were washed, places taken, and dinner began. I don’t know…
Apparently your kid’s first day of kindergarten is a big deal. I say this because other parents at my daughter’s kindergarten talked about how emotional it was, how they got teary when the teacher read The Kissing Hand, and what…
I’ve often written about my daughter’s extroverted nature. From her earliest days we could see her joy was in interaction with others, often exhausting my wife and I with her unquenchable thirst for talking, playing, and roughhousing when we really…
Child Harbat, reading a party supply catalog: Look at this poodle party, it comes with a pin-ya-tah! Me: Wow, that’s very good pronunciation of pinata. Can you say tamales? CH: Ta-ma-less. Wife: Can you say carnitas? CH: Car-nee-tahss. Me: Can…
I’ve been lagging on my blog posts for a while now but I can blame the heat, my God, the heat. Southern California is experiencing the kind of heat and humidity people have been fleeing for years to come here. …
So I said I was going to finish the week’s description in one day and it took three. I blame the children. I’ll close the discussion here except for one final comment: feeding a baby is liking throwing handfuls of…
Disneyland is a conglomeration, if you haven’t been there, of several campuses. There’s the Disneyland portion, there’s California Adventure, there are the resorts and hotels, there is the pedestrian mall of Downtown Disney, and acres and acres of support spaces. …
My posts have been sporadic recently, and I apologize for that, but we’ve been out having fun. In a series of posts I’ll show how having fun can sometimes be as easy as being a kid again, whether it’s having…