This girl loves her animals. All throughout Scotland she found creatures, wild and domesticated, that she wanted to befriend. No fear of slugs or caterpillars has she, but an unreasonable one of bees and a reasonable one of horses and…
Here’s my resolution, straight up and unfiltered: more better writing. I mean more in the quantity way, better in the quality way, and more better in the mo’ bettah way. First, this means an increase in frequency since, after all,…
I am not the well-organized person who plans out a week of meals and the necessary ingredients—my wife does that. And good thing too, since we get to try new things and old favorites. This week the highlight was salade…
For the last month or so, we’ve had a visitor in our garage. A rodent has gotten in and eaten some birdseed by the gardening shelf. And when I say birdseed I mean packets of soy sauce that my wife…
I’m not a cat person. Between the can’t-be-bothered haughtiness, spraying on the walls, yowling to be let out, and desire to climb on your head, I can find better forms of companionship. But now I can add a new reason…
We recently found a Piglet (from classic Pooh) stuffed animal tucked in a box. We gave it to Baby Harbat who gave it a tight hug and yelled, “Pliget!” Now this is her companion of choice, from nap time to…