Everyone can break out the shorts and t-shirts: climate change has arrived. “Ha ha,” snort the East Coasters who are still entombed in gray snow. But it’s true, the “norm” of weather doesn’t exist any more. If change is the…
Everyone can break out the shorts and t-shirts: climate change has arrived. “Ha ha,” snort the East Coasters who are still entombed in gray snow. But it’s true, the “norm” of weather doesn’t exist any more. If change is the…
Stop Two: a borderland with the biggest horizon you’ll ever see. A place where sand and salt coat everything in a sticky gritty sheen. A place where the hush of foam on the beach follows a contra-bass thump as water…
My wife and I moved to San Diego from Washington, DC almost eight years ago. DC is a city of politics, activism, and engagement. World affairs are present in people’s minds and protests are a daily event in our nation’s…
Father’s Day is, for me, a time to spend with family, doing what you do: fathering. On Sunday my wife took Child Harbat and I out to brunch, then we walked on the beach, the water turquoise and the skies…
I’ve heard it from my wife, from friends, and can identify it in myself. Many of the things we have at our very core come from a period in our lives we can hardly remember. Some of my wife’s earliest…
These are the three components of a successful weekend and I can prove it. Begin with ballet. Put together Christmas themes, candy and toys, live music, and dresses that are the nes plus ultra of chiffon frippery, and you have…
One day you look up from your routine, your life, and realize three years has passed by. I’ve always thought of life as a whirlpool—when you’re young you are bobbing around at the periphery and seem to be hardly moving. …
Sometimes you need advice from a more experienced parent. This weekend my stepmother was staying with us, and she’s experienced mother of two boys and long-time journalist on family issues, among other talents. So when she gave me some parental…
Recently it was 100 degrees here. In Southern California that means one of several things: A)those aren’t fireworks in the night sky, it’s a wildfire; B)an earthquake has cracked open the ground under your feet and you’re plummeting towards the…
We have lived in San Diego for five years and still haven’t done the bonfire at the beach thing yet. That was reconciled during Staycation ’09. We all packed up and went to Coronado Beach, a beautiful wide sandy strip…