If you have a toddler, or perhaps an immature spouse, you’ll hear that phrase often. Toddler Harbat is now able to turn on maximum rage if she isn’t allowed to do “it”, which may be getting into her carseat, feeding…
If you have a toddler, or perhaps an immature spouse, you’ll hear that phrase often. Toddler Harbat is now able to turn on maximum rage if she isn’t allowed to do “it”, which may be getting into her carseat, feeding…
Every so often you get a burst of energy, a huge wave that lifts you up and propels you forward. When it happens, you gotta ride it all the way into the beach. Saturday morning I decided to do some…
Once you become a parent, you measure yourself only by your shortcomings and mistakes. Odd, since I don’t do that in my professional life, but personally as a father I can only see the things that I do poorly. And…
It’s official now. The Christmas tree is down, ornaments shoved into a box for another year. Did I wrap up Christmas lights carefully so I can unwind them and place them on the tree with nary a curse word next…
Baby Harbat made her own pizza last night. My little baker is growing up so fast! I did help a little with a few things, but she did everything from mashing down the dough into a flat crust, tearing off…
I’m sick. Of course this happens right before holiday vacation. Last night I got a full night of sleep but I was quite busy with dreams. This time I was running through an abandoned Italianate mansion, recently abandoned by its…
Baby Harbat is now officially old enough to get really excited about Christmas, presents, parties, cookies, and staying up late. This all culminated last night after a full day of all the aforementioned things. She woke up at 1:30 WIDE…
My four and a half hour test yesterday was a real brain drain and left me worn thin the rest of the day. Which is why I wasn’t so happy to come home and find, A)our old dishwasher sitting in…
I was up at 2 this morning, then again at 3. Not because I was so excited for Tuesday to start that I couldn’t sleep. Apparently, though, Baby Harbat was. She was cry-whining and when I went in to her…
I had a great weekend, thanks for asking. Despite the snafus on Friday, Saturday was my wife’s final birthday present, a full day to go out with friends, shop, and basically do what she wanted without a husband or child…