My whole life I’ve been particular about certain things, like footwear. In elementary school I lived for Field Day, a yearly mini-Olympics at our school that, with a limited number of participants and lots of events that meant you were…
My whole life I’ve been particular about certain things, like footwear. In elementary school I lived for Field Day, a yearly mini-Olympics at our school that, with a limited number of participants and lots of events that meant you were…
The last month has been busy and rainy, two things that don’t go well with a regular exercise schedule. I’ve noticed that without my regular exercise and fresh air/sunshine time, I become a grumpy gus. Added to that is lots…
Should I write an opinion piece? I’ve been struggling with this one for a while and figured that voicing my opinion on social issues is no different than giving my opinions on parenting, baking, or any other topic. But this…
I’ll get this out of the way for all my lady readers out there. Here he is: David garrett This is who I went to see last night: David Garrett. He’s a crossover violin player. Which means he’s a…
Great. I spanked my daughter this morning. It was as hard as when I hit her butt for fun when she’s running around the house with no pants, which happens more often than you’d think. She didn’t even notice or…
This morning I decided that Toddler Harbat should look nice. She has a closet full of pretty dresses that are for special occasions, which come far enough between that they rarely get worn. My wife and I have a running…
It just goes to show, you never can assume to know what will interest a child. On Saturday Toddler Harbat helped me make our weekly bread. We started off with the whole wheat soaker, and she enjoyed stirring up the…
I picked up our CSA box yesterday at the farmer’s market. It feels like an inside deal, a members only benefit. My weekly box comes in an unmarked plastic tub. I couldn’t wait to peek inside. Picture 1128 Picture…
What have I learned about parenting in the last two years? Some practical stuff like: It’s not easy to wipe your child’s bottom when they are running away from you. Just give up on keeping their face clean. Just give…
It was a busy weekend. Saturday morning I was struck with the idea to make another garage shelf. My mother-in-law helped out with funds and off to the hardware store I went. Their lumber yard keeps some stuff out in…