Sorry, it’s been a while since I rapped at ya. Ten internet points for anyone who can name that reference. Let’s talk about the giddy thrill of home plumbing projects! I’m going to spoil the fun right now by saying…
Sorry, it’s been a while since I rapped at ya. Ten internet points for anyone who can name that reference. Let’s talk about the giddy thrill of home plumbing projects! I’m going to spoil the fun right now by saying…
It’s one of the oldest themes of my blog: handmade. This weekend I went back to those roots, finding simple joy in the handcrafted pleasures of…oh, who am I kidding? UncleF#*k-Up finally bottled the beer after an extra week of…
This weekend, as a joke while running errands, I told the kids that, as an extra-special treat, I would buy them each their own bottle of water. When we got to the store I made true on my promise and…
Alright, I’ve been watching Survivors on BBC, and the Walking Dead, and I saw The Road a few weeks ago, so end-of-world scenarios are in my head. The more I see movie and TV shows try to tackle this big…