It was bound to happen: making bread and drinking beer leads to making beer. They aren’t that different, bread and beer. One’s liquid and both are delicious. My wife got me a beer-making kit from Brooklyn Brew Shop. The flavor:…
It was bound to happen: making bread and drinking beer leads to making beer. They aren’t that different, bread and beer. One’s liquid and both are delicious. My wife got me a beer-making kit from Brooklyn Brew Shop. The flavor:…
Five points for the first reader who can place that quote. Now then, where was I? Yes, we were talking about chickens some days ago and how we’d yet to see an egg. This weekend we got one, precious as…
Living in Southern California I’ve had to give up on the idea of autumn as I experienced it back East: the echo of birds racing through a quickly denuding forest, the shush of crackly leaves up to your ankles, the…
I like to think of myself as a breakfast cereal aficionado. Sure, I’ve had my youthful indiscretions with Honeycomb and Froot Loops, I’ve trudged through the lean times with generic Cheerios, and I’ve thrown money at tasty but fleeting boxes…