The Triumphant Return

Aaaaaand…I’m back.  Some years later, through more adventures, victories, losses, and grey hairs than I can count.  As was my goal in the beginning, I do this to chronicle a life in motion and a place, as always, to learn from my mistakes.  In time, as I restart this machine of a blog, I’ll find a way to explain how I left my profession, started a brewpub, became a public leader, closed the brewpub, and restarted a blossomed career in architecture with my new business experience in my back pocket.  Or, maybe I’ll leave it just at that one sentence.

Anyway, this was supposed to be about the now.  About the glorious birth into 2021 knowing we’d survived a year of lockdown and four years of the Worst. President. Ever.  Honestly, we will look back at the Trump presidency as historians look at some Roman emperors who had the opportunity of expansion, intellectual growth, and scientific advances and instead chose the path of buggery, vomitous feasts, and the amassing of gold statues of themselves.  But still, I need to get that out so we can talk about today.

Today is a lifetime, and I feel, a person away from where I was when I started this.  I feel like the parent of the kid who started this blog.  Hopefully I will have more fun, take myself less seriously, and take more naps.  I spent my midlife creating and producing.  Now I’m going to be growing and building.  To understand the difference between producing and building, talk to a brickmaker and a bricklayer.

Looking at my old list of categories, from baking and brewing to parenting and travel, I can’t imagine what 2021 is going to look like, though we’ve carved away a quarter of it just exhaling.  I know it will include love, music, self-growth, and spirits.  Yes, in a big way I’ve come to realize the wonders of distillation, so we’ll delve into that periodically.  I’ll also bring up aromas and colognes.  Really?  REALLY?  Yes.  We experience through our nose people, places, memories, and so much more.  And I’ve found a way to finally create that and tie together what I seem to have been doing all along:  using scent to evoke a place.  I did it with beers, now I’m doing it with scent itself.

Whoever may be poking around in the dusty corners of this long-forgotten blog may find recipes, nice pictures, silliness, and maybe a good line or two.  With nearly nine hundred posts I guess I produced a lot.  Now it’s time to build.

Writer, architect, father, husband.

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