At last my debut novel sees the light of day! This book started as a single question a few years ago: what side of WWII was Finland on? With a little research I discovered there’s not such a clear answer. …
At last my debut novel sees the light of day! This book started as a single question a few years ago: what side of WWII was Finland on? With a little research I discovered there’s not such a clear answer. …
When the heat of the day accumulates in the house, by dinnertime all the stuffiness and noise and grumpy tiredness simmers within until we’re all snapping at each other like alligators. Which is how I found myself in the front…
When you’re an adult don’t ever think that your idea of fun correlates with your child’s. For the past few years my wife and daughter have gone to Comic-Con and I’ve made periodic forays. This year Number Two was old…
Child Harbat and I have a running joke about Comic-Con, the gigantic pop culture convention currently taking over my hometown of San Diego. The joke runs like this: Me: Hey kids! Are you ready to go to Comic-Con again…
I like to think of myself as a breakfast cereal aficionado. Sure, I’ve had my youthful indiscretions with Honeycomb and Froot Loops, I’ve trudged through the lean times with generic Cheerios, and I’ve thrown money at tasty but fleeting boxes…
It started with a throwaway joke. “Look at us, driving a minivan to Costco. We’re livin’ the dream,” I said to my wife on Sunday. Then it all came crashing down, the words reverberating in my skull. I sat there…
Have you ever visited a place that just felt off? It’s a vibe, an embedded memory, or a series of coincidences that taint your view like fingerprints on glasses. This weekend we went to a local park, a small reservoir…