Here at Handmade I try to stay upper crust, pinky-lifted, East Hampton marble-mouthed. In that spirit I present the first (and possibly last) wine review. Being poured today is a lovely Trader Joe’s Central Coast Sauvignon Blanc. Upon the first…
These are the things my son does that I love: When I pick him up from preschool he sees me from across the room, lets out a happy yip, and crawls to me at top speed, arms and legs…
Every day I walk past an art gallery that has a selection of oil paintings of modern scenes: a city convenience store, a rowhouse, a highway gas station at dusk. It’s that last one that catches my eye every time…
In one week I’ve had two ridiculous injuries. First came the pulled groin muscle which I got from trying to climb over a baby gate while holding a glass of wine in each hand. Then I managed to pull a…
Just like Taco Tuesday or Pizza Friday, this blog needs a themed day. And since I’m UncleF#*k-Up I get to declare a day and then promptly ignore or forget about it. Today’s grab bag starts with things going wrong in…
There’s an hour of night when everything is asleep, even the trees and waves and soil. Even the mockingbirds, and they’re the frat boys of the avian world, getting territorial and screaming at all hours of day, then ratcheting it…