I know I’m impatient. Even after five years of watching Child Harbat learn to crawl, then walk, then run, I sometimes just want her to move it along a little. You simply can’t believe the amount dawdling that can be done on a walk around the block. Maybe it’s from being so close to the ground, or being an inquisitive child of light, or perhaps it’s just being…i n c r e d i b l y s l o w. All that changed this weekend when Child Harbat went out for a bike ride. She threw caution to the wind and accelerated to a terrifying speed, her wheels barely skimming the road in what only be described as terrestrial racketeering. Fasten your seatbelt, put your tray tables in the upright and locked position, and watch the 2013 FESTIVAL OF SPEED!!
WOW! Hang onto your hat…helmet! I don’t know how she keeps from flying off the seat!