This is what infants do when…well, nobody’s really sure. Maybe it’s gas, maybe it’s flickers of electricity across their neurons that give them the willies, but something sets off a maelstrom of crying that cannot be soothed. Hearing this sound…
This is what infants do when…well, nobody’s really sure. Maybe it’s gas, maybe it’s flickers of electricity across their neurons that give them the willies, but something sets off a maelstrom of crying that cannot be soothed. Hearing this sound…
Here’s the thing about having infants who wake up throughout the night: you’ll have incredible recall of your dreams. I’ve often written about my dreams here, which range from bizarre to horrific. Please step back in time with me to…
Boy, but the girl can talk. Our daughter, bless her little heart, starts off slow in the morning. Together at breakfast, I’m able to read my book, perhaps look out the window, all to the glorious sounds of silence and…
This usually happens right after you’ve gotten dressed for the morning. My wife gets this one, though, a special good morning treat!
You would think this is a SOPA protest, a day late. But no, this is what several rooms of our house looked like last night. Which would be fine, being nighttime and all, except I was flicking the light switch…
Here we are at the start of a new year and the blog needed some freshening up. Floors swept, windows squeegeed, and cobwebs raked down with a rag on a stick. Besides some cosmetic changes (say hello to the Chunk…
Maybe it’s the dry Santa Ana winds or the relaxed feel of post-holiday malaise but my daughter’s hair is becoming more salon and less troll doll. Remember that it started with what could optimistically be called a pixie cut, and…
Last week my computer bit the dust. Or I should say, byte the dust. It was my work computer, so it’s running Windows XP, the last good thing to come from an increasingly self-destructive operating system. I got a pop-up…
With a New Year come resolutions, and I’ve noticed my blog has taken on a life that is much greater than handmade things. I’ve known this moment was coming for a while and the start of a fresh year seems…