With a New Year come resolutions, and I’ve noticed my blog has taken on a life that is much greater than handmade things. I’ve known this moment was coming for a while and the start of a fresh year seems like the ideal time to make a switch. In the coming weeks you’ll see some changes here. While the web address will remain the same, the name of the blog and look will change. Hopefully it will be refreshing like a springtime rain, and not shocking like cosmetic surgery gone wrong. It will encompass things like parenting, writing, and baking, allowing me to work on my writing chops and entertain an audience I’ll never meet in person. I hope my readers will continue to visit from all over the world because they find something here they like, like a picture of a chocolate cupcake I posted a long time ago, or a good recipe for bread, or the slapstick catastrophes that are my home improvement projects. Whatever the reason, thank you for coming and stay tuned for exciting changes!
The Blog’s New Direction
Go in the direction of your dreams. Good luck!
Always there with you.
I always think about retooling the blog, but I don’t really know the best way to publicize it. I’ve got my Facebook page set up for the blog, and a twitter account, and I’ve been deploying things great and small to get it out there, but it’s more or less a stumbling endeavor, as there’s a rash of random stumblers happening upon my blog looking for a state map of wisconsin, or Easy Pizza dough. I imagine you get some of the same things. I look forward to seeing the new direction the blog takes, and I hope it proves fruitful for you.
really looking forward to the fresh direction.