CHAPTER 5 Hannu tucked into his whitefish, a slab of bread thick with butter gripped in his other hand. All was silence and consumption until Eero took a long swig of milk from his blue enameled mug and leaned…
Monthly Archives: April 2010
CHAPTER 5 Hannu tucked into his whitefish, a slab of bread thick with butter gripped in his other hand. All was silence and consumption until Eero took a long swig of milk from his blue enameled mug and leaned…
“I’m doing it!” Oh, the days when we thought it would be funny to hear Toddler Harbat that. Sometimes it’s still funny. Sometimes, like when she refuses to get out of the car and slumps on the armrest like a…
I’ve been trying to raise Toddler Harbat as a lover of all things living. This includes little things that scuttle and flutter, blobs that ooze slime as they drag themselves across the sidewalk, and wriggling grubby things in the dirt. …
This weekend Toddler Harbat looked different. Acted different. Was it how she walked, with a forward stride rather than a bow-legged waddle? Is it her clothes that are little girl clothes and not toddler clothes? Maybe it’s how much she…
My weekend began on Friday afternoon with a trip to the farmer’s market. The lady who sells dates from the Imperial Valley knows Toddler Harbat now. Each week TH walks up and asks in her tiny polite voice, “Can I…
I think about the characters in my Winter War story, their lives and emotions, their place in the world. I’ve made them and have a responsibility to tell their story well. So guilt is a good motivation to keep trying…
CHAPTER 3 November, 1938 Häkkinen Farm, Ensola, Finland “Why, Magnus? Why would we need another load of wood?” Hannu gestured to the towering stack of split logs under the barn eaves. Magnus lifted a log over his…
I’ve been trying to convince Toddler Harbat that siamang gibbons would be the perfect playmates in the house. Without firsthand evidence, she agrees with me. “They could wear your party dresses! And play with your stuffed animals! And eat all…
Still I’m working on the sourdough crust. Still. Now I’m thinking that my baking stone is impeding heat flow to the center of the loaf, which is why I get an ear on either end and less oven spring in…
This Sunday we hosted our best party ever: great food, fun company, relaxing by the pool, and significant seismic activity. But let me start at the beginning. Hot cross buns Hot cross buns! They were time-intensive but very delicious. …