I don’t know why I haven’t thought of this earlier: no-knead undead ciabatta dough poured into a loaf pan to make strong and holey sandwich bread. This weekend I was feeling lazy and uninspired to make the same wheat sandwich…
Baby Harbat turned two this weekend! All week she was ready for the big event, singing “Happy birthday” to herself and talking about cake and presents. On Friday afternoon she yelled for me to come into the laundry room. “Sit…
Here’s the pumpkin I picked out this weekend: Picture 1010 I call him Gape Face and though you might not be able to tell from the picture, he’s swarming with flies. I figure I can’t make a scarier Jack-O-Lantern…
With family in town, I was freed up yesterday to do some serious cooking and baking while Baby Harbat was entertained by her uncle and auntie. On the bread front, I worked on a sourdough boule, which came out pretty…