Last night I tried to explain to people why I love baking bread. It was the Pecha Kucha San Diego night #11 and folks were packed into the lounge at the W Hotel to hear on subjects ranging from car…
Last night I tried to explain to people why I love baking bread. It was the Pecha Kucha San Diego night #11 and folks were packed into the lounge at the W Hotel to hear on subjects ranging from car…
No. The sourdough is not done yet. Always a work in progress, always a project that keeps me busy, the sourdough is getting close but might never be there. Good. I would feel so empty inside if it was done,…
Well, that’s done. The presentation went really, really well. I went last and ended the evening on a high note. The Pecha Kucha night was held at the Ivy Hotel here in San Diego. It’s a modern swankhaüs filled with…
Yesterday was to be my biggest baking day ever. 13 loaves of bread, for a presentation I’m giving tonight to 200 people. The event is called Pecha Kucha, and I’m giving a short talk on bread, accompanied by a slideshow. …