What time is it? IRISH SODA BREAD TIME! How easy is it to make? SO EASY! Is it delicious? YES! I can’t hear you! YEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!! Okay, that was too loud. Calmly and quietly proceed to the Irish soda bread recipe…
Saturday was St. Patrick’s Day, a day for everyone to wade through the mists of time to find some long-distant ancestor from the old country, fair Ireland. For my part, my ancestry is from Scotland, making me both fond of…
There’s something elemental about baking your own bread. To some people it’s like building your own proton accelerator—sounds complicated and a bit dangerous. Not so! Quickbread is the answer, and from the time you scratch your head and think, “I…
There’s something new in the bread section: Irish soda bread. My ancestry is from Scotland but I’m willing to concede that some good things have come out of the Emerald Isle, and soda bread is one of them. I love…
I made it! After a long journey, missteps, desperation, and exploration, I made it. Here is a loaf of sourdough bread that is evenly baked with fully-formed ears. Picture 1180 I’m almost embarrassed how simple it was. I emptied the…
Last night I had a bread failure. Actually, two, but I recovered one. I’ve switched to weighing flours and liquids (in grams) and converted all my recipes. Looks like I didn’t quite get flour weight right. Failure one: I was…
This blog title feels like a Smoove B column, but I still think it applies. For the past several months, I’ve been driving by a building that used to be a Barbecues Galore. No more. It shut down and…