I like to think of myself as a breakfast cereal aficionado. Sure, I’ve had my youthful indiscretions with Honeycomb and Froot Loops, I’ve trudged through the lean times with generic Cheerios, and I’ve thrown money at tasty but fleeting boxes…
I like to think of myself as a breakfast cereal aficionado. Sure, I’ve had my youthful indiscretions with Honeycomb and Froot Loops, I’ve trudged through the lean times with generic Cheerios, and I’ve thrown money at tasty but fleeting boxes…
I couldn’t have been more than three years old. My brother, two years my senior, decided it would be a fantastic idea to get into all the ingredients in the pantry and I was the perfect man for the job. …
Please don’t expect me to finish that little rhyme—if you’ve had granola you understand the digestive side effects. But let’s talk about the health benefits! The burst of energy to get you through the day! The whole grains! If you…
Last night I got several hours free in the kitchen so I made things. To work with your hands at a simple task that creates food from raw ingredients, this is a pure joy for me. I made a new…
I love that my daughter makes art at school. It first started when she was an infant—her teachers put a paint-covered marble in a jar with a rolled up piece of paper and had her shake it around. I’m looking…