It’s time for a new bread, a new way of doing things. I’ve long resisted switching to folding dough instead of kneading because…why exactly? Maybe I thought kneading was a necessary primal step in creating bread, something to do with…
Sometimes it just hits you. And by ‘it’ I mean that brick a mason just nudged off a ledge with his boot forty feet above you. Other times, inspiration hits you. For me, inspiration comes from applying things I already…
Before the Holidaze, I was running low on flour. Not good considering the amount of baking I planned to do. In the last week before Christmas, all local stores were out of bread flour of any type, and I didn’t…
The new organic whole wheat flour arrived in the mail yesterday! Four five-pound bags, packed in crumpled pages of agricultural newspapers—ads for harvesters and large arm-removing equipment. It arrived just in time, as I’m making three multigrain struans and one…
I’m looking over the flour brand list from the bakery supply place I visited last week. I started out trying to confirm whether the “Big Yield” flour I bought is unbleached, as it is indicated on my invoice. I may…
IMG_0043 Now I've got to make a lot of bread–I just bought 100 pounds of flour. I found a bakery supply way out in the countryside. It was in serious boulders, sagebrush, and corral country and the sign only indicated…