“No, don’t touch that!” “Please, no touching.” “You break it, you buy it.” We (me included) tell our kids not to touch it because they’ll break it. Touching art is a no-no. We aren’t encouraged to touch yet it’s how…
[sigh] You don’t have to be an urban planner, or a designer, or an architect, or have any interest in how built environments improve our lives. You just have to want to go up stairs and GET somewhere. Let’s look…
I haven’t talked about my work here before because…well, I’m not sure why except it as nice to have that clean break. Life is not full of clean breaks, however, and things that are important in my work life are…
I’ve never talked about my work on this blog, for many reasons. But sometimes I do something and realize it might be the most handmade thing I’ve done. Here’s a tangle of steel that truly means something to me. My…
I imagine a conversation like this: “Sven, we need a grease spatter guard design by the end of the week.” “Ja sure. What is a grease spatter guard?” “You know, you’re frying kippers and you don’t want the oil to…