It was bound to happen: making bread and drinking beer leads to making beer. They aren’t that different, bread and beer. One’s liquid and both are delicious. My wife got me a beer-making kit from Brooklyn Brew Shop. The flavor:…
It was bound to happen: making bread and drinking beer leads to making beer. They aren’t that different, bread and beer. One’s liquid and both are delicious. My wife got me a beer-making kit from Brooklyn Brew Shop. The flavor:…
Living in Southern California I’ve had to give up on the idea of autumn as I experienced it back East: the echo of birds racing through a quickly denuding forest, the shush of crackly leaves up to your ankles, the…
There are groups for knitters, Koala lovers, Pullman train enthusiasts, underwater basket weavers, but nothing in the San Diego area for bakers. So I’m trying to start up a group here in San Diego of folks young and old, experienced…
Memorial Day weekend is for barbecues, running and laughing with friends, and hard labor. I added that last one so I can feel better, though the crick in my neck and twinge in my shoulder says otherwise. Friday was a…
Okay, I think I’m getting it now. The more I read about starters, bigas, sponges, and poolishes, I can see how working with yeast is like gardening. Starting with tiny seeds you can create bounty, flavor, life. This is why…