Welcome to the baking page! If you’ve never baked bread, you can learn how. For goodness sakes, you learned how to tie shoes, so bread isn’t a great challenge. Plus I already made a bunch of mistakes for you so you can just skip to the punchline and follow the recipe. Each bread type will have the basic stats at the top like total kitchen time, type of bread (yeasted, natural levain, quickbread), and then the formula, followed by a step-by-step process. As you can see I’m a big fan of gluten and sweets so don’t go any further if you are on some insane no-carbs diet. Otherwise tie on your apron and happy baking!
I’m so excited to find this! Yummy — I’m new to making bread, and learn so much better by just trying things, and figuring it out as I go along. This looks like a lot of good info and helpful suggestions. I’m going to be bookmarking this and coming back often. Thanks for sharing.