What happens when you go for a walk with two little girls? Suppose you pass someone’s well-planted garden, spilling over with flowers and blossoms? You get to play human vase while the girls chatter and pick more. And honestly, would the gardener object to this?
Hello? Are we done picking yet? No. We are not done, stop asking.
What happens when your 7-year old daughter gets a hold of your unlocked phone and understands how to rotate the camera and use the shutter? You run out of storage space as your phone is filled with selfies and cat pictures. Let’s take a look.
It starts off okay, even artistic. Then we get in close. Maybe the cat took this one.
Then the wheels come off and it goes as expected given someone else’s phone and a little privacy.
And there we have it, the senior high school yearbook photo already taken care of.
Each picture is more charming than the next