The costumes are coming along and I’m stepping closer to a life as an itinerant zombie-basher. Well..actually clickers and runners and bloaters. If you’re facing down a building full of Infected be sure you have one of these, perfect for…
I’ve never been a big one for costumes. On Halloween I usually roll out the Indiana Jones getup because A)it takes about five minutes, and B)it’s fun to be Indiana Jones. Last fall, I decided on costumes more than a…
What happens when you go for a walk with two little girls? Suppose you pass someone’s well-planted garden, spilling over with flowers and blossoms? You get to play human vase while the girls chatter and pick more. And honestly, would…
I’ve heard that Americans like to fly their flag more than others around the world. Maybe because we’re a relatively new country? I think South Sudan has us beat on that. Is it the sight of white stars on a…