Following up on vintage Tonka trucks, I finally released the last hidden truck to Number Two. He got three for Christmas and the fourth, a huge fire truck, would’ve been lost in the excitement. But this weekend, as I cursed and tried to reassemble the chicken watering system (honestly, how hard is it to have water that comes out of a bucket?!) and Number Two wandered through the garage looking for things to get into he spied the fire truck perched way up high on a shelf. “Truck. Truck! TRUCK BABBO! BABBO!!” I got it down and he rolled out out beside the pool, lay down on the concrete, and got a worm’s eye view as he made vrooming noises and rolled it back and forth. Really, what could be better on a warm Sunday? I’ll tell you what, RIDING on the fire truck. Keep in mind this truck is about 40 years old. Go Tonka go!
Vroom Vroom!
Hooray!! The Tonka fire engine has been found! They don’t make them like that anymore.
I can’t believe how much your little ones have grown. Leaps and bounds!