Here we are at the start of a new year and the blog needed some freshening up. Floors swept, windows squeegeed, and cobwebs raked down with a rag on a stick. Besides some cosmetic changes (say hello to the Chunk theme!) I’m expanding the blog to incorporate much more of my writing. From the beginning I’ve wanted to have a blog to exercise my mind and fingers and keep my writing skills limber. While the Handmade content was of great interest, I found it too limiting. Plus, the posts about Child Harbat, the woes of parenting, and other daily goings-on never fit into the mold of Handmade. Therefore I am anointing the new blog “P.S.”, shorthand for post-script and meant to encompass all the things you write at the end of a letter. Usually a letter has the formal stuff and the postscript is more opinionated, lively, and interesting. The biggest news comes in a post-script: “P.S. I’m moving to Russia!” as do the rawest emotions: “P.S. I absolutely hate you.” In this space in the coming months and years I’ll be frank about the best and worst things about parenting, my failures as a baker as well as the rare successes, home improvement projects that sometimes actually work, and things I find curious in daily life, like people who carry around tiny dogs in purses (where do the dogs poop?). With enough of a steady readership I can now combine short entries and longer posts, little pieces of fiction and essays on getting through life. With you all, dear friends from around the world, I can let my guard down and talk about the most interesting stuff you only find in post-script.
Sounds good to me…good luck with your your blog!
Love the ideas fro expansion. count on me to be there–always!