There are groups for knitters, Koala lovers, Pullman train enthusiasts, underwater basket weavers, but nothing in the San Diego area for bakers. So I’m trying to start up a group here in San Diego of folks young and old, experienced and amateur, who like all kinds of baking, from bread to biscuits, cookies to ciabatta. Whether it’s trading recipes, finding a shoulder to cry on after a recent kitchen disaster, or just tipping back a glass of that other yeasted creation–beer–we can break bread together and enjoy the camaraderie common to those who willingly slave away in the kitchen. Feel free to leave a comment here or email me at sandiegobakers(at) Really, what could me more fun than getting together to talk about and consume things like this?
San Diego Bakers?
I would make that 5 hour trip west to participate! Do you have to be from San Diego?
Not being from San Diego isn’t a problem at all. Not BEING in San Diego might make it more challenging. Can you eat bread over Skype? If you’re in the area, absolutely come on by!
Oh, man I would love to be in a baking group! That’s a great idea.
You should try using
I hope the group can come together. I looked into Meetup but since you have to pay them, I couldn’t quite figure out what you get for the money.
A little far from Australia ….so jealous. I guess it is the koala lovers group for me, sigh.
I’m in!
Good, that’s one! It’s been harder than I thought to drum up interest, though I love the responses here from far-flung readers. I’m going to be giving a presentation on bread at the San Diego Pecha Kucha night in April ( Maybe I’ll pitch the idea there too.