I gots to give mad props to SDGE for fixing up our oven yesterday. Or, wait, lemme see, do I have to give them a shout-out first? Or does that come before a holla-back? Anyway! I set up an appointment…
Monthly Archives: August 2009
I gots to give mad props to SDGE for fixing up our oven yesterday. Or, wait, lemme see, do I have to give them a shout-out first? Or does that come before a holla-back? Anyway! I set up an appointment…
It has been years since I’ve seen Beetlejuice. This was a family staple for many years. I even dubbed the movie onto tape so we could listen to it in the car on family vacations. I was reminded of it…
Thinking about my solid old oven, built when the war had just ended and America was dusting itself off, I’ve begun to think about old=good. In the 50s, and again in the 80s, we’ve had techno-crushes. Puppy love for anything…
Now we’re talking! Last night I had the new oven stretching its legs. First up was some brown rice, simmering away on one of the back burners. Next I preheated the oven for some bread. From what I can tell…
On Sunday we bought a potty at Ikea. It’s a turquoise plastic thing that could double as a centurion helmet (minus the horsehair crest). After Baby Harbat’s bath on Monday she said, “Potty? Potty?” I’m eliminating the rest of the…
My newest toy, an O’Keefe and Merritt double oven: Finally. I found it on Craig’s List in the LA area. This is the trouble with the internet: it’s troublingly simple to find Just the Right Item for sale several…
Still without an oven. Our house has been breadless for almost 3 weeks now. While it’s been nice to have time for chores and other hobbies, I miss baking bread—the smell, the product, the mysteries of dough. We are going…
My wife will be very excited to know that this truck was parked RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY OFFICE BUILDING. Picture That is all. Read and post comments | Send to a friend
Last night the gate opened freely. No binding, no sticking. It must’ve been the humidity, but I decided to sand the hell out of it anyway to make sure we are trapped in the front yard again. I now I’m…
Please excuse my purple Mohawk, parachute pants with bandana tourniquet, boom box, and Vuarnets. I’ve been time traveling! I stepped into some kind of rip in the space/time fabric when I went to my bank this morning to dispute a…