[exhale] Sleeping in your own bed in your own house after a busy trip away—there must be something better, but I can’t think of it right now. Mostly because I’m still tired from jetlag and waking up at 5:30 with…
Monthly Archives: March 2009
While I'm on vacation the posts will be more brief. Flight out with Baby Harbat was surprisingly easy. We ended up with a middle and window seat and despite a few squirming shenanigans, she was pretty easy. Grandparents and Baby…
What a day. Busy and exciting work left no time for blogging and barely any for lunch, though I managed to shoehorn in a supa-sweaty run. Thanks to all those commenting on my blog—for a while I felt like I…
Figuratively. Each day she talks more and more, albeit in her own language. She is getting adept at repeating sounds and recognizing new words. Already I can see she is leaving behind hand signs and wanting to vocalize what she…
I drove home yesterday through a flurry of cash. Just after I got on the highway, I saw cars pulled over to the median and shoulder, cars scattered akimbo across lanes. People were running every which way and darting…
I’m straddling two writing projects and I feel like Short Round, pulled between parallel mine carts racing over a ravine of lava. Well, okay, that might be a bit much. My one Big Work is the implementation of the final…
Reading Seth’s interest in getting started with bread (see comments on my Friday post) got me thinking about the best first-time bread. I started with the no-knead recipe from Cook’s Illustrated and was really blown away by the look and…
I’ve started to read comic books. Ahem. Graphic novels. A friend of mine, Lord English from the Stately English Manor, got me into it. I read an interview with Alan Moore on Salon, and enjoyed his V for Vendetta comic…
Public tension is threatening to disrupt society over my blog and delightfully pedestrian musings, particularly over the provenance of my daughter’s nickname. I say unto the masses, “Be calm. The explanation is here.” Baby Harbat. The first part is…