Joel and Ellie Cosplay Update

The costumes are coming along and I’m stepping closer to a life as an itinerant zombie-basher.  Well..actually clickers and runners and bloaters.  If you’re facing down a building full of Infected be sure you have one of these, perfect for jabs, thrusts, and home-run swings.

Joel's pipe


Ellie’s pack is getting filled out with some great pins thanks to Kristenpaiigecosplay on Etsy.  It needs a few blood spatters, a bit more wear, and should be filled with some foam bricks she can hurl at people.

Ellie's pack progress


I still have some more stuff on the way like the wings pin for Ellie’s pack, a watch for me, and I need to make those bricks.  The clothes are all done, just need some dying and weathering.  So we’re all set for Halloween which is…five months away.

Writer, architect, father, husband.

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