Homegrown Couture

Sometimes it’s not about what you wear, it’s how you wear it.  This morning I picked out a cute outfit for Toddler Harbat.  She’s just starting to voice opinions about her clothes, opinions that will get stronger and less controllable until she turns 80 or 90, then she won’t care again.  So these next few years are about it for dressing her as I want. 

She caught sight of her Halloween costume in the closet as she was getting dressed.  Uh oh.

“I wanna punkin dress!”

“It might be a little small.  And I don’t think you can wear your pumpkin costume to school.”

[silence…long pause]

“I wanna punkin dress, Babbo!”

So we put the pumpkin dress over her color-coordinated outfit.  Then the pumpkin tutu was requested.  And the pumpkin bracelet.  Then she wanted to bring Pumpkin Bear with her to breakfast.  What can I say, she was born the week before Halloween.


I’m not sure if she made it to school like this, but I sure hope so.  Every school needs a fashion-forward student to liven things up.

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Writer, architect, father, husband.

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One comment on “Homegrown Couture
  1. Babs says:

    No THAT is a real New York/Paris Runway look!