Lighter Fare

Yesterday’s post was a little heavy, man.  So today I propose lighter fare.  Here’s a flip book extravaganza from the great time waster, YouTube:

I will give credit where it’s due:  I found this on Geekologie, another great time waster.  Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

This weekend in bread is going to be intense. I got an order for 10 loaves of Scottish oat bread and 18 rolls.  No problem.  Except I only have three loaf pans.  And a not-so-big mixing bowl.  And only two hands.  That last one could be fixed with some super glue, cadaver parts and…there.  Now Icantypewithfourhandsatoncebutnoroomforthumbtousethespacebar.


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Writer, architect, father, husband.

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