[cough cough]

Hey kids!  Here’s a tip:  when you’re feeling sick, don’t go out and exercise in cool weather.  What might’ve been a minor cold last week turned into an epic deep lung cough.  So…yeah, don’t do what I did.

However, we did manage this weekend to dig up some planter beds and begin a drip irrigation system.  That second part was my wife working while Toddler Harbat and I played in the dirt and shuffled around in the yard and coughed.  Much of the rest of the weekend I complained about how tired I was, then had Toddler Harbat climb on my head and roughhouse.  She’s very good at extreme shenanigans, which usually involve me sitting on the couch or lying down while she jumps on my abdomen, or tries to cave in my sternum with her forehead.

I did manage to carve out one hour for myself so I could rush out to the mall to buy some new shoes.  Alas, poor me, I have three pairs of shoes that have split across the sole so I can feel the pavement with my bare toes like a Flintstones car.  In my rush I bought a so-so pair of black dress shoes that turned out to have plastic soles.  And though they have a vaguely Italian name, they were made in China.  Now all I can think when I look down at my feet is, “Why am I wearing plastic Chinese shoes?”  Now that I have these shoes I need a shiny grey polyester suit and a fake Rolex and I’ll be ready to hit the karaoke bars.  Here’s a pic I took of my new shoes this morning on my way to work.

Okay, mine are a little better than that, but definitely less stylish.


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Writer, architect, father, husband.

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One comment on “[cough cough]
  1. Babs says:

    Well hey–at least you have one blue bottle cap–very hip. Made in China??? aaaargh!