
I am afraid of sourdough starter.  Granted, I’ve been making bread for a while and everyone is all abuzz about natural starters.  But the work to get a starter going, then feed it regularly, use it regularly, and keep it going, well…I already have a child.  Keeping her fed, clothed, changed, happy, and entertained is enough to worry about.  I don’t need some Tomagotchi that needs attention and love just so I can use it to make bread!  Come on!

In the next two days I’m going to try again with overnight ferment of my rustic dough.  I know the ciabatta will turn out fine, but I really want a tasty rustic bread with a crisp crust, a well-formed ear, and great nutty taste.  Is that too much to ask?  Well, it might be.  Also, there will be hamburger buns.

Tomorrow will hopefully be the Next Stage of the fence project.  I hope to buy the redwood rails and stack them neatly in the side yard, where I can look at them for several weeks before starting the Next Next Stage.  At this rate, Amalia will be driving by the time we get the fence finished.  Thus progress home improvement projects.


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Writer, architect, father, husband.

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